MEGO Scholarship Regulations
29. August - News
Mego stipendija image

1. Purpose

The scholarship is an essential step to promote equal access to education and reduce social inequality. With this initiative, MEGO demonstrates its desire to invest in the growth of the local community and support students who need it most.

2. Time
The scholarship is awarded after evaluating the student's learning achievements and activities in accordance with the regulations. Applications for scholarships are open from September 1, 2024 to September 30, 2024. The results of the competition are announced by October 10, 2024.

3. Participants
Students of professional educational institutions who learn to be a cook, confectioner, baker, kitchen worker, etc. professions of food industry specialists and whose average grade is 6 points or higher.

4. Scholarships
The amount of the scholarship is 125 EUR per month. It is planned to award 5 scholarships in the 2024/2025 academic year. Scholarships will be paid from 01.10.2024 to 31.05.2025.

5. Scholarship Application
5.1. Any student who has fulfilled the criteria specified in the regulations can apply for the scholarship.
5.2. To apply for a scholarship, the following documents must be sent to the e-mail: with the indication "application for a MEGO scholarship":
5.3. Curriculum Vitae (CV);
5.4. letter of motivation;
5.5. justification for choosing a specific profession, information about social activities and other achievements during studies;
5.6. one recommendation - from the school principal, deputy principal in teaching, or class teacher.

6. Evaluation Criteria
6.1. The student's average grade - 6 points and higher (6-6.9 points - 1 point, 7-7.9 points - 2 points, 8-8.9 points - 3 points, 9 and higher - 4 points).
6.2. The student's letter of motivation - justification for awarding the scholarship (1-3 points).
6.3. Letter of recommendation (1-3 points).
When evaluating equal applicants for the scholarship, preference will be given to those whose studies are hindered by limited material opportunities.

7. Scholarship Award Commission
Henriks Danusevics
, chairman of the board of the Ata Kronvalda Foundation, Igors Sihmans and Inara Hupenija, representatives of the donor board.

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