Charity is available to everyone!
In cooperation with the Bērnu un Jauniešu Para Sporta Apvienība, we have installed special charity boxes in Mego stores. The funds collected will be directed to the support and development of sports programs for children and teenagers with special needs.
The Children and Youth Para Sports Association supports Paralympic sports and organizes sports camps, trainings and competitions for young people with disabilities.
You can read more about the association here: https://www.facebook.com/YouthParaSportsLV
Look for donation boxes in MEGO stores! Riga:
Čiekurkalns 4th Transverse Line 4, Dammes street, 46,
Graudu street, 10, Ģertrūdes street, 33/35,
Jūrmalas avenue, 87, Kurzemes prospect, 132,
Prūšu street, 2, Saharova street, 14, Tilta street, 1